Year 3

We have two classes in Year 3. The class teacher for Amber class is Miss Malik and the class teacher for Ruby class is Miss Payne. Please click on the following “This Is Me” documents to find out more information about them:

Miss Payne                                        Miss Malik

Our Learning Support Assistants are: Miss Bakali and Miss Manning


If you would like to look at our curriculum in more detail, please click on the following document:

Yearly overview Y3


Key Weekly Information

  • Children are expected to read every night and have their reading record signed
  • Children are expected to spend five minutes every night on TTRS
  • PE day is a Thursday
  • On PE days children should arrive at school in kit. This consists of black shorts or joggers, plain white t-shirt and a plain black hoodie (if needed) and sensible shoes.

We recommend